Get started with coinbase

get started with coinbase

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Coinbase Tutorial: Beginners Guide on How to Use Coinbase to Buy \u0026 Sell Crypto
Verify your identity. How to Open an Account on Coinbase � Be above 18 years of age � Present a government-issued identification document, such as a passport. 1. Create your account � 2. Verify your email � 3. Verify your phone number � 4. Add your personal information � 5. Verify your identity � 6. Link a payment method.
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Choose how much you want to sell, or tap the "Max" button on the left of the page to sell it all. Investing Club. That means investing in tried-and-true assets such as stocks and bonds, and real estate if you choose. Select the asset you want to sell, in this case, we'll pick bitcoin. Now I'll show you how to buy some cryptocurrency.