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Decree crypto currency exchange rates Duration 24 Months. Overview: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate. CSE graduates command comprehensive skills required for the development and use of tools for computer simulation. They can enjoy Zurich's vibrant nightlife, the lake, and the nearby mountains in their spare time. By playing the video you accept the privacy policy of YouTube. During the second year, students are taught important theoretical and methodological principles within core areas of computer science and a total of 62 credits are earned. CHF
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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Bachelor Thesis. We offer theses in various branches of algorithms, discrete mathematics, and optimization. The bachelor degree program in Computer Science from ETH Zurich is program where students acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics as well as of. � education � student_infos � bcs.
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Whether it is in smartphones, air traffic control, stock market transactions, industrial plants or tsunami early warning systems, without computer science the modern world would come to a halt. In addition to technical knowledge, creativity and social skills are also very important. By playing the video you accept the privacy policy of YouTube. In the second year, students become acquainted with the following core areas of computer science: Computer and Software Systems, Theoretical Computer Science and Computational Science. The study of computer science involves incorporating numerous theoretical and scientific concepts into useful real-world applications.